This website is owned by Fundación Telefónica, holder of tax identification number G-82086810 and registered in the Register of Cultural Foundations of State Competence, of the Protectorate of Foundations of the Ministry of Education and Culture, under number 359. Its registered office is at calle Gran Vía nº 28, 7ª planta (C.P. 28013), Madrid.

Fundación Telefónica informs you that the purpose of this website is to inform the general public about the activities promoted by Fundación Telefónica, and to serve as a repository of information relating to the organisation itself.

Accessing, using and/or browsing this website and the information it contains implies acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in this Legal Notice, and confers the status of «User». For this reason, we recommend that you read its contents carefully.

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If you wish to contact Fundación Telefónica, you can do so either by post, at the address indicated above, or by e-mail, by sending an e-mail to [email protected]


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For further information regarding the privacy policy of Fundación Telefónica, as well as the treatment of your personal data, you can contact us via the e-mail address [email protected]


Fundación Telefónica owns the intellectual property rights to all the contents and elements of this website or, where applicable, holds the necessary licences, assignments or authorisations for their use. By way of example and without limitation, the contents and elements of this website are understood to be the software, source code, databases, scripts, images, photographs, videos, audios, phonographic content, logos, distinctive signs, trademarks, as well as any other element that forms part of this web portal and that is included in the terms of article 10 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law and/or regulated in Law 17/2001, of 7 December, on Trademarks and/or in Law 24/2015, of 24 July, on Patents.

It shall not be understood, in any way whatsoever, that access, use and/or browsing through this website implies authorisation in favour of its users to reproduce, publicly communicate (including making available), distribute or transform any of the contents that comprise it.

However, you may, at your own risk and as a User, download or copy materials from this website, subject to the following conditions:

  • For strictly personal use, never for profit or commercial purposes.
  • Any such use must be compatible with the general interest purposes of Fundación Telefónica.
  • Such elements must not be modified in any way, which includes separating or extracting any content (for example, text from the image in which it is integrated), either in whole or in part.
  • Fundación Telefónica must be notified in advance.

In any case, it is forbidden (unless specifically authorised by Fundación Telefónica) to set up links or hyperlinks from third-party websites to sections of this website other than the home page( Likewise, no links or hyperlinks may be established to the main page of this website under the appearance of being integrated into the portal of a third party, using frames or together with distinctive signs, brands, company or commercial names of third parties unrelated to Fundación Telefónica.

The user acknowledges that the reproduction, modification, distribution, commercialisation, decompilation, disassembly, use of reverse engineering techniques or any other means to obtain the source code, transformation or publication of any unauthorised reference test results of any of the elements and utilities integrated within the development constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of Fundación Telefónica, and consequently undertakes not to carry out any of the aforementioned actions.

Regarding the heritage collections contained in this website, the ownership of their reproduction in a digital format corresponds to Fundación Telefónica. The corresponding authorship is included in the technical file of all digitised materials, in due compliance with the proprietary rights of the creators of said works.

Where appropriate, and with respect to the digitised works contained herein, it may be the case that the author is unknown or untraceable, so that these works are catalogued, on a case-by-case basis, as orphan works or works out of the commercial circuit. For the purpose of simplification, the technical data sheet of such materials shall indicate in the Author section that the author is Anonymous. If you would like further knowledge or information about these works, please contact Fundación Telefónica, using the option provided for this purpose in the technical details of each piece.

There has been a selection of photographs from Telefónica’s Historical and Documentary Archive within the framework of a diligent search for their corresponding authors, in collaboration with collective copyright management entities.


As a User, you are responsible for your access to and use of this website, as well as for your use of the information and/or materials contained therein.

Fundación Telefónica does not guarantee the absence of errors in access to this website, in its content or that it is up to date. In any case, it will make its best efforts to avoid, remedy or update them, as appropriate.

Fundación Telefónica does not guarantee the continuity of access to this website, nor does it guarantee that it will be correctly viewed or that its utilities will be operational at all times.

Fundación Telefónica accepts no responsibility for any consequence, damage or harm that may arise from the use, access and/or browsing of this website by the User or any third party; nor shall it be responsible for the absence of viruses or other harmful components hosted on the website or on the server on which it is housed. Fundación Telefónica does not accept any liability stemming from any links on its website to third-party websites nor from the content of third-party websites that may be reached by following those links.


This Legal Notice and the conditions contained herein shall be governed in accordance with Spanish law. Fundación Telefónica and the User agree to submit to the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain) for the resolution of conflicts, renouncing any other jurisdiction.

rev. 060225